“The inspiration for La Bee da Loca was always in the back of my mind. When I was younger I worked with the United Farm Workers, I saw first hand what pesticides could do to people, the food we ate, the birds, bees, and especially the earth. The grower’s were thinking of only one thing and that was how to make more money and not worrying about what the fall out would entail. Well we are finding out what pesticides can do to the water tables, to the air quality, the quality of life for people that have to live that life, and numerous other things. We need to educate people that without bees this will directly impact our life as we know it, we need to take better care of what we have, by not polluting our water ways, by respecting our earth and those things that we take for granted, they will not be here forever, we must leave something for our children, grandchildren, and their children. This is my legacy that I leave for mine. Let’s do this together, let’s make this a better place!”
I hope to share with others such as schools, and partner with them as well as the Museum, summer camps, work shops, working with those wonderful other beekeepers within the Piedmont area and sharing ideas, collaborating with our Cooperative Extension Agents and setting up a Celebration Pollination Seminar with all of these great people in what can be grown to bring more bees into our area so that they can pollinate everyone’s garden, trees, flowers and bee happy!!!!!!!

“This was my vision and it came together so well that I have to give a shout out to the following people that gave their time, their energy, and most importantly their love; Keith, Emiliano, Javier, Natasha, Dixie, but most importantly to my sister Cindy who always believed in my dream and believed in me. This is for us Cin, I know you’re here with me – I love and miss you.”